2017年1月5日 星期四




那麼,<吃蘿蔔乾>英文要怎麼說? eat dried radish? 當然不是囉!讓我們看看下述說明:

If you've played basketball for any amount of time, this probably has happened to you.

You're going up for a rebound. Or you're trying to steal a pass from the other team. Or your dribbling was disrupted by a defender.

Whatever the case, the ball was deflected and awkwardly struck the tip of one of your fingers. In most cases, the pain isn't serious, but it's real.
不管是什麼情況,當球被轉向後尷尬地打到你的指尖, 大部份情況疼痛都不會太嚴重,但很真實。

You may have a jammed finger. Even though the ball might have hit the tip of your finger, the injury actually occurs in the knuckle because that's where the brunt of the trauma is absorbed.
你可能吃蘿蔔乾了。 雖然球是打到你的指尖,實際上是傷在你的指關節,因為那裡是吸收損傷衝擊的地方。

A jammed finger is swollen, hard to bend and somewhat painful. It is a common basketball injury.

看出來了嘛? A jammed finger 或者說 A sprained finger

在2011NBA總冠軍賽, Dirk Nowitski傷了他的左手中指, 最後小牛隊仍拿下了總冠軍


I jammed my left index finger. or
I have a jammed index finger on left hand.

Can you say the name of each finger?


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